Steam Carpet Cleaning
What Makes Us Different Than Steam Cleaners?
Have you ever smelled musty, moist carpets, stepped on wet carpets, or waited days for your carpets to dry after a carpet cleaning? If this sounds like something you have experienced, then you may be questioning steam cleaning methods. Fortunately, the process that we use for carpet cleaning uses 80% less moisture than steam cleaners. This means your carpets only take a hours to dry, not days! This prevents a chance of mold and mildew from growing in your carpet.
We use a Carbonating Extraction (CE) cleaning method for healthier and more effective carpet cleaning. Our food grade, self-carbonating cleaning solution releases millions of tiny effervescing bubbles that help lift soil/spills/spots away from the carpet. It penetrates deep into the carpet fibers, latching onto dirt and grime which are then safely and effectively whisked away.
Why Steam Cleaning is Less Effective than Our Carbonated Cleaning Process
Steam cleaners and other carpet cleaners have a less effective approach to cleaning carpets compared to our Carbonated Extraction (CE) cleaning process. Steam cleaning machines work by releasing buckets of hot, soapy water onto your carpet. Ideally, all that water and soap would get extracted by the machine. Unfortunately, this is not the case!
Besides leaving a large amount of water in your carpet, steam cleaning also leaves behind a dirt-attracting residue that makes your carpet get dirty faster. This means that you’ll be cleaning your carpets more often.
Clean Your Carpet Right the First Time with Green Team Clean Living
Are you tired of paying companies to remove spills/spots that keep coming back? Are you tired of testing homemade cleaning concoctions or store bought ones? If you answered yes to those questions, it’s time to call the experts at Green Team Clean Living. Our Carbonated Extraction (CE) Cleaning method removes spills/spots and odors from your carpet properly the first time. Say goodbye to steam cleaners and take advantage of our revolutionary cleaning processes!